Time, Time, Time...

See what's become of me?

There never seems to be enough time. Thanksgiving is just a couple days away, and I'm having to plan to get pies ready. That means Christmas is not all that far off, so it's time to start thinking about gifts. Aieee! And the sky being dark so early is unsettling.

It looks like I'll be swapping shifts for Friday. I'm such a nice guy there.

I recently had a discussion that involved an passing offer to join in a weekly RPG or perhaps joining in (in some way) with the Circus activities gabefinder has been increasingly involved in. But that really drove home just how hard it is to fit any more scheduling in my life.

I only work 40 hours a week (give or take). Technically, I'm on call anytime I'm not at work, though that doesn't actually come up very often. That should leave plenty of time for other things, right? And yet, it never seems to. Because of my shift scheduling, I can't commit to anything on a weekly week day basis. Every other week, I spend what free time I have before and/or after everyone else is getting off work and free to do things. And presently, I've made myself available Saturday evenings for group WoW play and Sunday evenings for group GW play. If I fit in a movie one afternoon or the other on the weekend, I end up feeling like I had essentially no "free" time between the weeks.

So that leaves five evenings out of every two weeks when my schedule might line up with others and allow me to do something with them. One of those (often decided last minute) goes to an offline gaming group, so I get some face-to-face interaction with friends. The other four, I'm often tired/drained enough that I don't really want to try to cram them full of anything most of the time.

The time is there, somewhere, but it sure doesn't feel like it.


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