(MUCK) Bleh

Movement proceeds toward the new grid which I haven't even really looked at. More new characters are being made. And at least one existing character submitted for import. And with that, I find my interest taking a nosedive.

So characters start with 5 points. And the first imported existing character is submitted with (I didn't count, but trusted someone else's sum) more like 23. This... evokes dismay in me. When I saw the polls, I thought "I want to keep my existing character at their current power level" rated low enough that we wouldn't have to worry about it. Apparently that wasn't the case.

As a player, this upsets me because I feel like any new character I make will be perpetually overshadowed and unable to do crap in comparison to this guy or, more importantly, anyone else imported by the same trend.

As staff, I feel this represents an utter failure of the new system to accomplish one of the stated goals of decreasing the difference in power level between characters. To me, that was a big one. And when I reviewed the "Plot Point System," I believe one of the primary concerns I listed was fear that characters might get points too rapidly.

When you get points based on time at a decreasing rate, that's reasonably predictable, but when you allow a ton up front and/or give them for TPs, you get this same imbalance between characters we had before. I saw that. I knew that. But I thought we'd all be starting at the same point, so the thing to watch would be TP rewards. This example represents the equivalent of something like two and a half years worth of play, granted up front. And if this is okay, we could have much worse examples. Hell, people could still play their god characters. So... what was the point of changing systems again?

I guess this one is simpler. Sort of. There's less numbers to keep track of, but the traits are sort of like essay answers, and open to some interpretation.

This, this feels like just one more weight on my pile of indecisive inertia preventing me from getting back into the game as a regular player. I still have two characters in mind I could go with, though I really don't have a clear idea of what to do with them in play. But I haven't had enough drive to actually put them into play or post backgrounds or anything.

Maybe it'd be easier to just skip it. Possessing no active, on-grid characters wouldn't be any different from the last few months.



  1. Work-arounds to keep on top of the game you say? Unpossible!

  2. On the contrary. Arion stated people would not be forced to retire their characters. So this isn't a work-around. There were a few people wanting to transfer characters over (Kaigen comes to mind, as does Ellen and Vanessa), others were willing to start fresh (me, Samantha, Tuoqui). This isn't about being 'on top'.

  3. Yeah, it's just that I either missed that statement entirely or somehow misinterpretted it. :/ I saw the poll results and thought something like: "Yay, we can move on with sheets starting from scratch and only a clear minority of players will be inconvenienced! Most people either want to start new characters or don't mind resetting sheets on existing ones." And only last night I was faced with clear evidence my conclusion was incorrect. Sucks. Life goes on.

  4. Well, we've been talking with Daryl, and offered a suggestion to him he might go along with -- which will result in a sheet reset for him. It'll also make 'sense' in a way for him, which also works. Doesn't help with anyone else wanting to keep their old sheets, but it's something.


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