Feeling Overwhelmed...

... even when I probably shouldn't. For a second day in a row, my co-tech/supervisor was absent when I came in to start my late shift. Honestly, I'm not even sure if he was here at all earlier. I suspect he was gone all day today, though I think he might have been here some yesterday. Now, he is prone to taking off early more often than I am. If I'm on day shifts, I'll always wait at least until he gets in unless there's some truly pressing reason to do otherwise. I try to at least e-mail progress reports if I've been working on something he should be aware of.

And I know he was saying he hadn't been sleeping well last week. I suspect the stress of a couple looming/lingering projects has been contributing. And while he's probably taken as many says off this year as I have, they've been spotty. I, at least, recently took a week off work (which wasn't as refreshing as I hoped, but it's something). He did schedule off the last few days of November, first few of December. And maybe he's genuinely sick.

But still, coming in at 3 pm with no idea what has been going on all day and no clue if any progress has been made on continuing issues is disorienting. Things do seem to be under control for the moment, though. I think laptops have been ordered, or the bids are somewhere in the review stage, at least. The machine we had trouble with here was back to a state for work to resume on it, and while I'd hoped he would have related that yesterday, at least it's known now. All the minor issues awaiting me in my inbox have been handled. There is one ongoing project that I think I'm awaiting his input on, but I only started in on that yesterday and waiting another day or two won't make much difference.

So I'm not running around frantically trying to fix things, but I'm a little antsy. It's like there should be more to do, but I don't know what it is. Blargle!

I suppose this does show the advantage of having more than one of us, at least. When one of us is unproductive for whatever reason, the other can pick up slack. Not sure how our third person fits into that. Currently, he doesn't - he mostly just works on the same web-based stuff he has been. But I expect we'll be cross-training somewhat in the near future.


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