(WoW) Raid

Perhaps the least "materially" rewarding raid night in a while. Knocked out Flame Leviathan, then Ignis for the weekly, which amounts to 5 Emblems of Frost, then spent a lot of time on the Lich King himself, but without success.

I did see some signs of improvement, which is good. We don't have the Phase 1 wipes completely beat, but we got past that several times. If we do wipe there, it's almost certainly due to a Necrotic Plague that wasn't cleared off fast enough. Our timing on pushing into the first transition is usually pretty good, we don't usually have horrors up. The transition phase is hectic, but we're doing better in general. And we got into Phase 2 a few times - enough to wipe to a Defile and to know we need to kill those raging spirits faster.

Alas, I can claim responsibility for one wipe where we were doing well, as I didn't quite make it off the outer ring in time and fell to my demise, resetting two raging spirits on everyone else. Not beating myself up over it, just acknowledging.

I think we could be doing even better if our three nights of attempts hadn't been scattered over six or seven weeks. And I don't think we've always had the same people either.


  1. PracticepracticepracticepracticeThe Horde guild did LK each week over a monthpracticepracticepractice....


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