Wandering Thoughts

So today isn't too bad at work. There've been a few items to take care of, but nothing intensely stressful. And so my mind has been wandering some.

Last night I asked myself what I would do if I took an extended hiatus from MUCKing. I didn't have a clear or immediate answer, but the asking and the thinking mean something. I recently looked at some of my earliest LJ entries. Six years ago, I was stressed over moving and complained not infrequently about inter-character relationships. Now, I'm prone to complaining about how often I don't even RP online. Maybe some serious time away would do me some good, though I'm not sure if that now means refreshing me to play more or transitioning my free time to something else.

I've also been thinking lately about doing something vaguely vacation-like when all the "upgrade" stuff has fully settled at work. A few days ago, I might have said that was a month or more off. Today, it seems that could be closer. Either way, I don't really have any solid destination in mind and I don't really have much budget to work with. I am somewhat tempted to take at least a couple weeks off and just drive.
Recently, I wondered about some places I remember in Anaheim from my childhood. I don't know that curiosity over their existence is motivation enough, but... maybe a roadtrip to Disneyland? Again with the budget concerns there. Even if finding places to sleep in the car, food, gas, and ticket prices would add up. So I just don't know if any of that will pan out. I do know I'm disinclined to drop several hundred dollars on a plane ticket anywhere to start with, though.

I do feel the doldrums setting in on WoW. For the last few weeks, we've been unable to get together a full raid of "top tier" guildies to go up against the Lich King again. Instead we've poked other raids, or early ICC, with many people using alts. To me, it feels as though we've lost momentum. This Saturday... I believe at least one regular main DPS player will be late, if there. I'm not sure beyond that, but I'm wondering if/when we'll be able to get back at that. Then again, I also question whether enough of our regulars have the determination to stick with it, learn the fight, and beat what's (at least to me) the ultimate boss of the expansion. Part of me fears that our rapid dismissal of Yogg Saron as being unworth the effort might repeat itself here, but I'm still hoping. I've been making a few Stratholme runs the last few days as a time-killer for the off-chance of a mount drop, but I've not otherwise done much this week.

Lemon. Mmm. Finally decided to try another recipe in my dessert book for a lemon freeze and wow. I've always liked lemon flavor, and this combination of juice, zest, cream, milk, and sugar is... blissfully yummy.


  1. Seems to me you know just what to do as life keeps handing you lemons.


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