(WoW) Short Raid Night

Seven attempts at Sindragosa without success. We just weren't able to pull it together, though we could get to the last phase readily enough. There still seem to be some awareness and positioning issues we need to work on, and I'm not sure what else to say about that. Either it clicks for everyone, or it doesn't.

We downed the plague wing without much issue, so it wasn't a total loss of a night. Had one person out-aggro the tank early on Rotface and bite it, has a few deaths on trash going into the wing we probably should have avoided, and we wiped once on Putricide due to a reflexive cleansing of the abomination disease. Everyone present knows those fights, though.

So now we really only have Sindragosa and the Lich King up in that instance. If we can't get past the frost wyrm next week, this is going to be very disappointing, I fear. Not that the Lich King himself is easy, but it'd be nice to at least see him...


  1. Sorry to have had to have dropped out of the Raid early, again. Like I've said, though... My RL Mate's happiness is worth more to me than raiding is. I don't think it will be a continuing issue... But I do think we might want to consider going back to doing the Raid Weeklies BEFORE doing the actually ICC Progression. Two reasons for this... One is to get people warmed up. The other is to give people a chance to raid who aren't in on the ICC progression at the moment.


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