(WoW) Foothold in the Citadel

So... with our guild leader in flight bound for home, we got a raid group together and stepped into Naxx. We downed Razuvious okay, with no off-tank (one of our two healers took an understudy). Then someone went the wrong way and got himself killed while everyone else moved back to the entrance. Silly smokers. ;)

After brief discussion, we went with Kyn's posted plan and hopped up to Sapphiron. Again, no offtank on-hand, but didn't need it. A couple people got blasted by frost bombs, but no real problem. I have a key to the focusing iris. Yay.

Then Kel'Thuzad, mostly for the benefit of those who hadn't finished Naxx. We had one DPS switch to tanking for this to help with abominations and so we could handle the adds at the end. A bad frost tomb hit nailed most of the melee, but we lived. At least one person bit it to the shadow fissures. When the adds popped up, I left the other acting tank on KT and kept them busy myself - that seemed easiest.

Then we went with the plan after Onyxia with a couple people switching so we could have a 'real' off-tank. There were definitely some hectic moments wrangling whelps. We had some taunt issues with Ony. The fear was a pain in the tail. But she fell. No death to Overwhelming Dragon Damage this time. Not the best selection of drops, with headwear for priest and rogue without either on hand, but still good to have done.

Then it was back to ICC. Almost routine now. We had some accidental pulls of the wards, naturally, and a few deaths on the way to Marrowgar, but he went down fine. Well, mostly. My poor laptop dropped to 7 fps just as the fight started. That freaked me out, and I think I went through the encounter without topping 15 fps - very jerky. I turned down some settings afterward, though I don't know if any other fight stressed the graphics that badly. Then we had a wipe when someone pulled a nerubian priest while dealing with other adds. We pulled back farther after that. Deathwhisper went down without any major issues. ... Then someone mistook the NPCs for party members and ran off into battle, getting several others to follow in a half-ready state. Ow. But after rezzing, we cleared over, downed the Orgrim's Hammer, and lined up at Deathbringer Saurfang again.

This time, he died. Actually, he only got off one Mark. I was worried when it landed on me. Having the main tank 'condemned to death' is a bad thing. And yet, with just two healers, they managed to keep me up. One hunter died to a blood beast, but was combat rezzed. So at the end... we were actually all standing. That 10% damage/health buff seems to make a difference (plus a few weeks of gearing since we actually attempted him). After that, we... died to some gas traps (only about half the group), killed a couple val'kyr, and poked into the vampire wing before wiping and calling it a night. I look forward to downing Saurfang again next week. bastard. ;)

I do feel bad for Kyn coming home and getting on just in time for us to have beaten Saurfang finally, though. That's something I wishe he'd been a part of. :/

8:30 - Entering Naxx to down Razuvious. Then Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad
10:18 - Grouping up to start ICC
11:55 - Deathwhisper down and standing on the Rampart.
12:30 - Deathbringer Saurfang finally dead
12:55 - Wrap for the night.


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