The Witcher

I think I have acknowledged that I'm simply never going to finish this game. I played the demo and wasn't sold. I think I've borrowed it to play twice now. It's just not happening.

It's not actually bad. Sure, it's been overmarketed. I can't really blame a new company for clinging to their big hit, but it seems like they've released the same game in so many new packages I lost count. The controls are okay - not great, but not painful. The visuals are actually very good. The gameplay optionis are, perhaps, a little better than normal with the combat styles as well as spells and potions. The story (what I've seen of it) is okay.

But I just can't get into and stay into it. Running around from place to place is a bit of a chore. And that's made much worse when you get into a section of the story/quests and you can't seem to find the next person to talk to (even with the walkthrough packaged in this version of the game). I suppose I'd say the pacing is lax and the game has too much freedom to be story-centric and the options are too limited to quests and story to be a sandbox game. If it had done either of those better, I might be more into it.

I also find Geralt's uncanny ability to bed women (which almost puts "classic" James Bond to shame) to be both amusing and a little creepy at once. I'm sure it's a supernatural ability from quaffing all those witcher potions, but he looks far more like a grizzled old dude than a lady's man.


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