Not at My Best

Most of the stuff in my last friends-only post lingers. It's hard to put things out of my head and relax right now. Gaming, in its various forms, provides some distraction at least.

I'm trying to look toward a positive future on the HOA front, but it's awful hard when things are such a mess now. I suppose having two or three people ranting incessently balances having at least four people trying to work together and make progress. Still hard to listen to.

Work continues to be more busy than usual. The software installations are going okay, though they do take an awful long time. The stressful part remains worry over every bit of lag between here and the remote servers for the system that's now scheduled to go live in about a week and a half (formerly next week, formerly this week). There are so many variables and we're not well-educated in pinpointing bottlenecks. The ISP on the other end said they found and fixed something today, but was that causing the problems? All the issues have been too sporatic and belatedly-reported for us to really be sure about anything.

I borrowed and blew through Changes Monday night. It's more Dresdeny Dresden Files. There are details I didn't like, but it worked as a whole and was still a reasonably fun read. More than most of them, however, it leaves off with a lot of questions.

I had a better-than-usual day in WoW yesterday, fitting in my near-daily random dungeons in the morning and coming out of it with a Battered Hilt. It was tempting to keep (though the end-result is a weapon that would be an off-spec or secondary-character upgrade only at this point). It was tempting to sell (it's still one of the more valuable pieces of merchandise in-game). But in the end, I decided I wanted to pass it on to a guildmate who could use what amounts to a solid upgrade from the questline.

This morning I really didn't want to get out of bed. And, in fact, I did go back to bed for most of the morning. It could be simple psychology, as I still would love to be able to bury my head in the sand and avoid several months of life at this point, but the particular lethargy felt to me more like what I blame on antihistimines. Still, my allergies have been mitigated by them to something I can stand the last couple weeks, which is probably better than the alternative.


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