(WoW) Raiding Lite

Just 5 Emblems of Frost!

So with our guild leader off visiting a couple other regulars, we were bound to be undermanned for guild time, but I hoped to do a little something, at least. We started on the raid weekly with 7 guildies and three others. By the time we cleared to Flame Leviathan, or random person had to go, and another guildmate had shown up. FL down without problems. We cleared trash and downed XT-002 for the raid weekly quest.

Then someone suggested doing Molten Core, and others agreed. An old, level 60, big raid, most of us on weren't attuned. But getting so didn't prove too terribly hard. I even managed to find the way myself while a more experienced person in the zone led four others. Then we tromped around MC absolutely stomping everything. With 8 level 80's, it's really easy. And just as we were getting ready to summon Ragnaros at the end, Kyn and Elly showed up to be summonable in for the final bit. Yay! Ragnaros used to be an incredibly big deal, nevermind the several bosses you go through to get to him.

But that was enough, so we wrap our raiding a little early. We didn't do a lot, really, but it was enjoyable.

8:12 - Soar, Azu, Sash, Shuj, Tiik, Yeen, Myst (as alt) on. Waiting for others. Nythe is known to be showing up sometime later.

8:25 - Stop waiting and start talking about options. We settle on trying the weekly.

8:29 - Invites go out for Ulduar's FL and XT. We manage to get a few people to fill things out and have Azu switch to tanking gear to off-tank on XT.

8:55 - Zone in to Ulduar

9:09 - Cleared to FL, PUG mage disconnects, Nythe shows up and swaps in. There are some difficulties getting everyone set up after that, but the fight goes quick.

9:39 - XT-002 down.

9:43 - Soar leaves, talk about MC commences

10:23 - Sashayla completes MC attunement, other group finishes shortly thereafter

11:17 - Ragnaros defeated by The Knights Penumbra, with guild leader in attendance


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