(WoW) Comments

It's raining out. That's so awesome just because it's not snow!

We've been able to add Toravon to our weekly raid target list, and lucked out the last couple weekends with Wintergrasp timing. Not much in the way of useful drops out of him so far, but it's more emblems and doesn't take too long. We only spent about twenty minutes finishing Toravon and Koralon (I believe it is, the flame boss).

We downed XT-002 and Kologarn without much trouble, though we're still short on being able to trigger XT's hard mode. That might be a tactics issue as much as actual gearing, I'm not sure. About forty minutes in Ulduar.

Twenty minutes of ICC trash up to Marrogar, about ten to Deathwhisper, then we were sidetracked with a weekly ICC quest to kill a frost giant. Yay! Sort of an extra boss and another five emblems. Getting to him was tough, and killing him would have been tougher, but I think he ended up manuevered partway into a wall and his stomp wouldn't go off. Then the gunship battle (which we fouled up once >.>) and a couple attempts at Saurfang. Even with the 5% Strength of Wrynn bonus in effect, we still didn't get him down down below 10%-or-so health. A little under an hour and a half all told in Icecrown Citadel.

I consider all that good and well done, though there are signs of tension among some people in the group. I'm not sure what to do about it. Downing the same bosses week after week will get a bit grindy, but that's the clearest path we have to in-game upgrades. Would it appease the people more interested in older content if we took a Saturday night to do that instead? I still like the idea of a second raid night for that, but there doesn't seem to be enough people who can attend a second night in a week (myself included). I don't know, but I'd really love to ask "how are you feeling" after a raid session and get an answer that involves something more positive than "grumpy." >.>

And it's strange, but I'm starting to think we might be able to defeat Lord Marrowgar on hard before we down Deathbringer Saurfang on normal. o.o;


  1. The hitch being having to get past Saurfang to be able to even access hard modes >.> if memory serves anyway. 150k health on our second attempt that night. That's about ten seconds of continued DPS if we maintain our usual rate, even with a person down due to a Mark of the Fallen Champion. What I wouldn't give to squeeze more damage output from the raid somehow.

  2. Did we have him that low? didn't seem like it. Hmm. And I guess you have to kill the Lich King to access the hard modes. Ah well.


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