(WoW) Another Saturday, Another Raid

The frost giant for Securing the Ramparts is annoyingly hard. Mostly disease juggling, I think, got us. Grrr. Didn't try Saurfang, as it was late getting to that point. Didn't get the shield one of our healers was hoping for out of ToC. Did manage to get Toravon down, and get tier gloves for someone who could use them at least. More than the usual amount of roster changes.

It was okay, I'm not sure what else to say about it. It was alright by me, though I'm still frustrated by delays.

Fairly on-time, considering. We got grouped up around 8:20. Noth was dead in Naxx for the weekly quest by 8:29.
8:55 - Ulduar, taking on Thorim.
9:38 - Downing Freya, with a 15 minute break called before moving on to ToC.
10:00 - Starting Twin Val'kyr in ToC.
10:27 - Downing Anub'Arak in ToC. No shield drop that was hoped for.
10:50 - Starting on ICC trash. We had some delay shuffling people here partway through to Marrowgar.
11:40 - Marrowgar down.
11:58 - Starting Deathwhisper
12:37 - Completing Gunship battle after trying the frost giant weekly once and wiping. We tried again and wiped another couple times before giving up.
The raid wrapped, then resurrected to go down Toravon. Tier gloves for Kyn, at least. Finally done at 1:30 am.

So.. less than ten minutes downing a Naxx boss, about 45 downing two in Ulduar, 30 minutes to do the last two in ToC, and... well, a lot of time in ICC that's hard to figure as we wasted a bunch in getting ready and changing the roster.


  1. Important to note. We one-shot Thorim, Freya, Twin Val'kyr, Anub, Marrowgar, Lady D., Gunship and Toravon. I find this significant.

  2. Don't forget Noth. We on-shot him too. Heh. Yes, this does demonstrate the huge difference since we were stomped by Freya a couple months back. Few individual deaths, too. Three ICC bosses with one person who was totally new to the raid and probably undergeared. That counts for something. On the down side, this makes our loss to the frost giant more annoying to me. >.> In the future, I'd really rather either do a chunk of Ulduar or all of ToC rather than both. Switching gears between raids is somewhat time consuming.

  3. Trying to appease multiple contingents. One section wishes to finish out Ulduar. Someone wanted a drop in TotC. I still want us to get EoF and Ashen Verdict rep and try to progress.

  4. Indeed. And plans are up in the air for this coming weekend, but I'm thinking maybe push to finish Ulduar the following weekend (instead of, say, doing two bosses there and restarting ToC).


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