All Downhill from Here

I probably know more about using InDesign right now than I ever will, as I won't use it much and I'll surely forget several things. Still, it was neat to learn, and taught specifically in the context of the system the newsroom will be using (so there's a lot of aspects of the program we probably didn't get into). @whee.

Most of the ongoing setup is in the hands of the vendors right now. Next week is "configuration setup," which will involve the heads of the newsroom rather than us IT folk. Then a week or two of testing before a couple weeks of follow-up training (some of which will probably apply to us). The new system is scheduled to go live at the end of April.

Meanwhile, things will start gearing up for the advertising side of the building with further installation and setup through April and, barring changes to the schedule, various training scattered over May, June, and July. The schedule's hazier there so far, just because it's a little ways off yet.


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