(WoW) PUG Bouncing

I had a little time this morning, so went again and pugged a random heroic with both my paladin and my priest in WoW. To verrry different experiences, those.

My priest waited in the queue a minute or so. I saw the loading screen for Culling of Stratholme and panicked a bit, as it's usually a frantic run, but calmed when I remembered I had the drake on my priest, so I have healed it before. I examined the tank and was a little unsettled to see very familiar gear - ilevel 200 blues and epics, at least one piece not even tanking-oriented. Theoretically, that's okay for tanking heroic 5-mans, but it doesn't exactly say "Hi, I'm an experienced tank."
Early on, the mage pulled aggro and died before I could get a heal off. Later, the warrior tank was standing in place after defeated on wave and the death knight and paladin went running off to the next one - and died because they weren't paying attention to the inactive tank (and healer who stayed there to cover the tank). No explanation was given for the delay. I did manage to rez everyone and while we missed the extra boss opportunity, we got through it all. I don't think any of the dps cleared 2k by much (in spite of those tier 9 shoulders).
Basically, I feel like I - as the healer - carried everyone in that group through the instance.

When I queued up my paladin, I got an almost immediate response. I was sent into Drak'Tharon keep and someone said "hey, let's clear this before instance locks reset!" That was about twenty minutes - doable with a good group. So off we went. Hall cleared, boss down, second boss down, someone suggested we down the end boss before coming back for King Dred. Easy, easy. No deaths, dps classes putting in over 3k regularly, and we finished in about 16 minutes - just over the LFG debuff, but beating the instance lock reset for the morning.

The only way the two runs could have been more different would be if I had sucked on the CoS run and we'd wiped repeatedly.


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