
Okay, this week is getting to be a bit much. Now one of my home desktop drives seems to have failed. It's spinning, but appears in Windows to be totally unformatted. It is the oldest of the three in my case, and thankfully not the primary. In fact, I don't even mind that much the prospect of losing the various art I've pack-ratted over the years there. What hurts is that about 98% of the online roleplay logs I've saved over the last 10+ years. The percentage would be lower, but in replacing my laptop I moved files from there to where they were on my desktop. Mmmf. That's a lot of memories to have snuffed out at once. So... I'm trying to recover data, but not holding my breath.

Can this week be over yet? Really...


  1. Oy. :( I'm sorry to hear that -- I hope you can get a recovery and get some back-ups of it.

  2. Well, some luck here, at least. Testdisk was able to (after I figured out how) copy most of the files I was looking for off. Still a loss of data, but nothing terribly important.


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