(WoW) Once More Unto the Breach

I showed up late for raid night, and for this I am sorry. I assumed after several weeks of struggling to get everyone together by 9 server time, we wouldn't be shooting for any earlier than that. I should have looked. 'course, my parents were taking me out to dinner, and I didn't expect that to take two hours, so I might have been late even if I'd looked. Feh. I'm one of those people who's just frustrated enough by lateness that he will usually end up early, and it bugs me most when I'm the one who's late.

Well, Razorscale (or potentially any other two-boss-deep target) coming up as the weekly raid quest is a little annoying and distracting. At least it doesn't take that long. Flame Leviathan is a bit of a haul to get to, but a quick fight itself, so getting to and downing two bosses in Ulduar tends to take us about half an hour.

The back into ICC for us. Funny how the final raid of the expansion is proving to be *gasp* challenging for us. We're a looong way from being a "serious" raiding guild. Anyway, it took us a few tries to find our pace and down Lord Marrowgar. I still tense up when I see people running behind/through the tanks. But we did get it, and that got me a new weapon - a mace that may well be the best tanking weapon I can expect to see until Cataclysm.

Lady Deathwhisper wasn't very forgiving either. We actually saw her enrage, where she starts one-shot blasting people with shadowbolts. After an attempt or two, we clearly weren't making enough headway, so we had one of our (three at the time) healers switch to his DPS spec. This helped a lot, and we were even able to get her down to around 230k health. That's painfully close to success, about the last 3-4% of the fight, but we were losing people and just couldn't finish the job. A couple subsequent attempts didn't even do that well, so we called it for the week.

I'm not sure exactly what to say the problem was. We did have a different composition than our more-successful attempt a couple weeks ago. That meant a little lower DPS overall, but I wouldn't think it would mean that much. I feel like most of the deaths against Lady Deathwhisper came from people eating multiple ticks of her death and decay ability, which ideally you should get out of within a second or two at the most - but some people don't react that fast, or seem to have computer freezing issues (which is something that really should be looked into further for fixing).

Still, I don't feel bad about this. Progress may be slow and hard won, and we might not be farther along than we have been before, but I feel people are learning from this.


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