(WoW) Happiest I've Been to Make Little Progress

So last night we didn't get much done in the way of raiding (we did down Sartharion, but that's pretty quick and easy for us, and tried Northrend Beasts briefly). We were short on healing, still, and such. But it was so worth it.

's character is available again. Appropriately stripped of all the hacker-gained items, though still lacking what was sold off. It's not ideal, but a point to work from. And in short order, servicable. Guildmates pulled together to fill out equipment slots with passable heroic-level gear. A run through heroic Trial of the Champion resulted in three useful drops, some of which were had before the hacking. All-in-all, that brings the character not quite up to where it was, but fairly close.

So even if things aren't restored, we have our other tank in pretty good shape and usable again. And I'm proud at how the guild pulled together to accomplish that.


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