Lovely Way to Start the Day

I woke this morning with the most piercing, splitting headache I've had in a while. Thankfully, it passed soon enough. I didn't bother with any breakfast, sticking to water for the sake of the blood draw at work this morning. So I had to wait in line for that. The the first needle stick and... barely any blood in the vial. A little probing around and... barely any more in the second.

By this time, I was starting to feel lightheaded. Now, I don't like having my blood drawn, but I don't usually have that reaction to it. Then again, I usually don't have the person failing to get any usable portion after two attempts either. They had me lie down, tried another vein, filled a vial, and gave me some time to recover. Ugh.

Blood pressure and pulse in the normal range. BMI just edging from "normal" to "overweight." All about as I expected, all about the same as last year. My elbow hurts and I'm not feeling so great overall, though I don't think that's entirely physical.

The turnout was better than usual, at least, as we had about eleven people representing sixteen (of 23) units. Actually, sort of one less due to a technicality that's... complicated.

No one's thrilled about the situation, naturally. That's normal. But most of those present wanted to stand together and work through it.

We had one stand-out person who is delinquent by a lot. She talked about jobs that have fallen through and a mortgage she can no longer afford. She owes more than $4800 to the association, and is barely managing to pay dues and occasionally $20-30 extra. I feel for her and appreciate that she seems to be trying. At the same time, I can't help but think about how, at that rate, she won't be paid up for 10-20 years. What are we supposed to do about that?

We have one person who is... trouble. To what degree remains to be seen. The complication as mentioned above involves his being the husband of an owner. According to the papers, however, he doesn't seem to have ownership himself of the unit. So... technically, he shouldn't even have a vote unless given a proxy form by his wife. He sat through most of the meeting quiet, but then launched into accusations toward the end. While I understand his concerns, and share some of them, I'm trying to get everyone through the mess to a hopefully-better outcome while I feel like he's concentrating on pointing fingers. Well, there's plenty of blame to go around.
We should have communicated more, no doubt. I don't think we're technically obligated to, but we still should have. Assessment and dues funds have not been managed individually, like they should have - that's bad, but I don't see much that can be done about it now anyway, save trying to do better in the future. The more I think about that one, the more complicated it becomes when a lot of people are writing checks and probably not specifying whether the money is a payment toward assessments or dues. He feels the work that's been done isn't worth the money we've paid. Well, I have doubts about that myself, but I'm not in construction and I don't have receipts, so I can't prove it either way.
He threatened to file a lawsuit against the board and our property management company. Whee. I'm given to understand that he works with the Sheriff's Department. Maybe he'll actually go through with it. I don't know what he actually hopes to gain, and I don't see what we can do to appease him. If he doesn't like the work, maybe he should be targetting the contractor, not us. I don't know... I'm concerned, but there doesn't seem much I can do.

We got a replacement for our missing board member, but no one else so much as volunteered for possible election. So I'm still "treasurer" for a while. Burden, but I don't really want to risk letting things slip through the cracks with a change of leadership either. We're trying to get all the owners' email addresses together so we can better communicate in the future and... trying to make forward progress.


  1. the last time I had blood drawn it took the nurse FIVE tries to get a vein, three attempts in one arm and two in the other. Bleach

  2. The BMI isn't a good scale. It says I should be around 190... which isn't normal.. it's downright gaunt.


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