
Sometimes, I find my own psyche isn't a comfortable place to be.

WoW patch 3.3 went live this last week. I never would have thought it's be such an annoyance to me. Several of my friends/guildmates have been making extensive use of the ease of the updated LFG feature to run dungeons like crazy. "Man, I have to get home and earn more emblems," was in fact heard by me this week. The level of obsession has been... a little nuts in my book. I'm typically pretty pleased if I complete one or two dungeons a day.

Unfortunately, this is where my competitive side kicks in. "You're falling behind," it tells me, "and you won't be best-geared in your guild anymore." I try to tell that little voice to shove it, but such niggling thoughts aren't so easy quashed. So even though it's mostly internal, I feel like I'm being pushed to do more than I want to do. So far, I've resisted giving in to the siren's call of dumping all my free time into WoW, but the conflict is distracting.

On top of that, I've actually felt more like MUCK-based RP this last week. And I've gotten some in, which is good. But I've also been faced with wanting to roleplay while having myself and/or someone I'd be playing with drawn into WoW dungeoning. That's doubly-frustrating.

And then there's the constantly-vocal minority in our guild there trying to push for more, harder content that I don't think we're necessarily ready for. The atmosphere of the guild has changed subtly, and I'm uneasy with that. I'm not sure I'd call it all bad, and I don't want to stomp on enthusiasm, but I'm actually starting to miss the more sedate pace and relaxed atmosphere.

And of course, all of this is on top of the stress of snow, holidays and the HOA-manager-contractor bullshit going on. There are moments when I just want to curl up in bed and proverbially hide my head in the sand...

But for now, I guess I'll go shovel some snow.


  1. I totally completely agree with you. I am -this close- to kicking a few guildies in the nards (Shujin and Grimner, I am looking at YOU) and then erasing WoW from my computer Case in point: I haven't done the new dungeons in ICC, and haven't been asked either. But when a member of the group drops out, I get asked to help finish the stupid thing, and I still have to do the damn dungeon from the beginning to progress...and that's just the first one of the three for the "attunement" Actually, this is what happened to me when Lich King came out...I'd just hit 70, and instead of doing the heroic dungeons in Outland like everyone else had gotten to, I had to play catch up, and so didn't run any dungeons at all for six months. Of course I hated running the damn things. I was always the person told to stay in back while higher-level guildies blasted through. *shrugs* I'm too tired and stressed with other things to even be giving this amount of attention to a game, except that once, I really liked to play...


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