
Ugh. Been very tired this week. I blame a combination of time change, deepening winter, and constant underlying tension home and upcoming travel issues. This week can't go fast enough.

I think everything is about as prepared as it can be, save actual packing.

So tonight is free. I'll likely do some laundry and preliminary packing.
I'll probably peek on WoW, though multiple people have computer issues right now so the odds of running a dungeon are slim. I don't have much patience for people calling out "let's do a heroic" right before bouncing between arenas. If we actually had a full group, I'd go, but I don't want to hear the constant, near-rabid urging for it from people who are doing other things anyway.
I'll probably hop onto Faire and "hang out" for a while. There are no real plots in progress, though, and I've had a lot of trouble finding scenes that appeal and/or getting them done so I don't expect much. I guess I can consider the "New Creation" plot a bust for me, as I never really got into it, disliked the way things went in an overall sense, and my character's patron doesn't show up much these days.
Odds are, I'll end up playing some more Dragon Age and going to bed a bit early.

Friday, we've our offline game. The timing isn't ideal for me, but eh. I just have to keep things from running too late, and be fairly ready to crash afterward. I likely won't be online at all, or only briefly.

Saturday... ugh.
I've a 6:25 am flight to catch. They recommend being there 90 minutes in advance. Heh. The county airport doesn't open until 5 anyway. So if we're there between 5 and 5:30, I'm sure that's plenty early. I don't recall how long it takes to get there - I sort of want to say about 45 minutes, which means leaving no later than 4:45. That, in turn, means getting up around 4 am for a shower, whatever light breakfast and last-minute scrambling needs to be done.
I get almost a three hour layover in Denver. Then about an hour in Charlotte - probably not enough time to dally much there. And I get in to West Palm Beach at 6:19 pm.
I get picked up by my uncle and... well, I don't know. Other than some papers to sign, there's nothing that specifically has to be done then as far as I know. Knowing family, I may be invited to dinner, but I don't really have any aspirations beyond getting a good night's sleep.

Sunday, I'm expecting to leave.

And things get even hazier after that. Mapquest pegs the trip at around 32 hours of driving. So I could be at motels for three nights along the way and getting home sometime Wednesday evening.
But I'm not sure it'll happen that way.
Part of me wants to get the trip over with as soon as possible. If my stamina holds out, that could lead to driving more each day and getting home earlier.
On the other hand, part of me would like to relax and put normal worries aside. There's not really anything along the way that I feel any great draw to. I'm not going to spend a day at Disney World (too expensive!), there aren't any movies out I really want to see, and I don't even feel any need to go city shopping (the internet handles that these days). But I might want to take extra time to just relax. So I could be home later.
I just don't know at this point.

I'll be taking my laptop along, but I don't know what sort of internet service might be available when I stop. Plus the wireless card on the laptop is a little flaky. So there might be journal entries while in progress, or even brief visits to the MUCK, or there might not.


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