
So after a load of laundry yesterday and a small load today, the dryer seems to have burned out its fuse again. I was pretty sure the exhaust tube wasn't pinched off this time, which has me thinking something else is wrong with the thing. On the up side, I ordered two fuses, so I put in the spare and it's working now. On the down side, I suspect it won't be long before it toasts that one, too. I really don't want to make a service call for this, but I (in my very, very limited experience) seem to be missing something...

I suppose a couple other things bear quick mention while I'm making a "real life" post venting into the ether. My allergies seem to be easing up - or the medication is doing a better job.
I also feel better than I'd expect for staying up until about 4:30 in the morning reading. Eight almost-contiguous hours, and I've finished Kushiel's Mercy. That second trilogy didn't initially grab me like the first, but it drew me in eventually. I still find it a compelling tale (though I still wonder at why Banewreaker seemed to fail so drastically in my eyes by comparison). I suppose there's still some romantic in me, for I'm quite the sap for true-love-overcomes-trials stories as the Kushiel books are.


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