Oh My Gawd...
Y'know, the MUCK's far from perfect. We've a lot of people that lack inspiration and drive, and I'm usually one of them. But for all that, there's no one I hate there. There is, however, one person I have a great deal of difficulty tolerating. Even then, I don't hate... I just can't stand. From my perspective: - This person did a lot of work for the MUCK in the form of coding. This is beyond me in the sense that I don't know it. I probably could learn it, but I really don't have the desire. I am appreciative of this effort. It did take time. It did take work. - They are prone to idleness. Seriously, the character will be logged on and (in spite of idle-boots that kick other people off after minutes or hours) show an idle time of days frequently. - They are TOTALLY self-absorbed. They will come back from weeks of absence and expect things to happen right then for them. They will come onto the public channel and launch right into a topic expectin...