Ramble, Ramble

I was walking back to work from my evening "lunch" break, and a fellow addressed me. In short order, he was telling me how 1) works for a living as a cook, 2) lives in a tent, and 3) was recently hit by a car. He made note of how the driver was a woman on her cell phone and didn't even seem to notice.
I am increasingly frustrated by the number of people on the streets with their attention on their phones. Drivers, walkers, even people on bicycles. It doesn't inherently mean they're oblivious to their surroundings, but it sure seems like there's a connection.
He went on to say he wasn't asking for money, but was hoping for something to eat. Funny how getting food usually requires money. Having been drawn in beyond being able to feign ignorance, and not being a completely heartless bastard, I gave him a little money. These encounters always leave me... unsettled, though.
I'm always left wondering whether such a person's story was true. It wouldn't be that hard to bullshit something in the hopes of making a quick few bucks. And I'm usually left feeling somewhat resentful these days, asking myself "why did he choose me to talk to?" In this case, there was another guy about as far away as I was, and a couple people across the street. What made him single me out? Usually when I encounter people asking for something, it's by the grocery store, but I usually feel and think about the same things: is it true, and why me?

We got in a heroic Nexus run yesterday. This isn't really news or any great accomplishment. It was certainly the first time with that configuration of characters, though. Our usually-tankish druid took up the mantle of healer, and we had two Protection paladins. All told, the group was not ideal, and we probably paid for it a little. After early-boss difficulties, however, we pulled together and got through okay. A couple notes:
- Unless you count Emblems of Heroism, epic-quality gear drops from the end bosses in heroic dungeons. Other bosses might give good stuff, but they're only rare-quality.
- If I'm tanking a trash pull and things get suddenly more difficult (usually this is either CC breakage or accidental pulling of a second group), I start pulling out the stops. This means two things of note. First, I am going to start dropping Consecrate and doing AOE to try to hold everyone's attention - I will not be expecting or waiting for someone to re-polymorph/trap/etc. a mob that got free. Second, if you (my healer or DPS companions) are being attacked by things, I would be more than happy to tank them for you, but you might have to help me a little by leading them to me where I can hit them with Cons. and HotR. Running away generally doesn't help and I don't always see adds with a screen full of whatever we're fighting already.
- Whirlwind still sucks, and the group past Commander Korlug still doesn't like to re-freeze if they've been pulled and he resets.
Otherwise... I've got a Holy spec for Reyalyn now, so I feel more appropriately healerish. I'm still trying to track down a good gear guide for such, but I think her stuff is reasonably solid for starting on heroic dungeons at least.

Progress in Factions continues a bit slowly, but it continues. No major missions yet, just doing quests around Kaineng Center. The design of the place is, if anything, worse than the maps I'm already frustrated by, but somewhat used to dealing with. Oh, it's flavorful to have a semi-run-down-looking city where you make your way through multiple layers from caves to rooftops, but it's a pain to tell where you're actually going.
We're trying to get everyone on the same page, which is always tricky. For the most part, the group is killing things okay. I'm still at a loss for profession direction, and am not encouraged by being told there aren't any decent ritualist elites to capture for a while. Ah well. Another couple levels to maximum, and then maybe I'll start worrying about it more.

I'm going through a period of disinterest. They've happened before. Is this one any worse? I've no idea. And I'm not altogether sure what I even want to see out of the place these days.
I think about what characters I could log in and, generally speaking, each one evokes in my mind a few different scenarios of likely play. The problem there is they all feel like things I've done before a few hundred times (and maybe I have over the last several years) - the same players and/or characters in pretty much the same situation. But I don't really feel any "OMG, earth-shattering TP" is going to shake that up. There's only so much creativity you can expect from two people in a room and, for various reasons, that's about what any RP I see there amounts to - me and one other player.

Offline Gaming
Saturday's game was... lackluster. I've always liked that word. This is the game in which I conceived a character who was mundane, and would thus be at some disadvantage while dealing with the supernatural, only to have him become gifted in the first session or two.
It's been months since we played this particular game, so none of us remembered exactly where we were. The GM answered this by having the PCs summoned to some other realm and going from there. He seemed to have some ideas, but not much of a plan, as we worked from encounter to encounter seeing different areas that felt disjointed. He's also a little overly-concerned with rules, which is unfortunate using the Witchcraft/Unisystem rules. There's a lot of stuff that's not explicitly covered, and a GM who spends five minutes or more reading what is there and trying to reason out some justification for a ruling (often in terms of other rules systems) slows things down.
So... I don't know. It was nice to get together with friends for the afternoon, but the game itself remains a bit of a let down.


  1. Healers should always either: a) Position themselves so advancing mobs aggro'd to them will run through a paladin's consecration. b) Run TO the tank ALWAYS if you're in trouble. Paladins consecrate, warriors stomp, druids roar, DKs death and decay... all this happens wherever your tank is. Plus almost every tank I've spoken to finds it easier to pick up an errant mob when it's brought to them. Anyhow, I guess I'm saying if you're not advising folks to run to you when they're in trouble, you should. It's expected behavior.

  2. Sorry... -.- I've never run as a group healer past level 30, though... It's been more than 50 levels. -.- Sorry. -.- On the GW note... I have finally reinstalled GW. Mind you, I only have the Prophecies (Original) Campaign... No expansions.

  3. No worries. I know the role is relatively new, and heroics can be a bit unforgiving for that in general. I just remember one pull there after Anomalus where I charged a few dragonkin and a portal. I'm trying to wrangle all of them, and when things looked okay on that end, other folks started taking damage. I'm not even clear on what happened there. It seemed like maybe someone pulled some of the arcane elementals in the area? Or we got several spawns out of the portal? So that was a sudden moment of confusion for me when it might have helped if ranged folk had run to/by me, simply because I wasn't sure what was going on. IIRC we lost at least Kyn on that and... maybe someone else? It's not as fresh in my head right now and I didn't have the best perspective. I just try to share what little I do see so we can do better as a group. :) One thing I frequently find amusing (and just a touch frustrating sometimes, but most often not a big deal) is that I'll often end up yo-yoing adds in some fights - especially boss fights with adds. I might see them breaking for someone else and taunt them back only to have them Frost Nova'd in place. Then they break free and my taunt has worn off, so they go back... Now, I don't consider this a bad thing necessarily. I'm not always on the ball with that, so CCing them isn't a bad idea, really. Hmm. Maybe I should get into macro-making to do some sort of party-say with my Righteous Defense. Even that might go by too quick. Ah well.

  4. What I would recommend is Frost Nova followed by a blink or the mage running to the other side of the tank so the mob has to run through your consecration if it's not already taunted. It helps if that's not the mage's target too. :P I have noticed my coworker who plays a mage says his mage draws a ton of aggro now with 3.1. Course that's not based on anything but anecdotal observation, but just a thought. Don't know if Kyn has seen that too.

  5. /rw That way it'll splat to everyone's screen in bold orange letters. Dunno if only party/raid leaders get to use raid warning however. In regards of aggro? Na'sure. I've gotten into a bad habit of using Frost nova instead of just running to the tank instead. I was having some connection issues in that Nexus run, so I'm not entirely certain what went on that you observed.

  6. I think in a 5 man everyone can /rw. On a side note Kyn, I wanted to ask you if you use DBM and if so, do you have it set to spam its warnings. If not, I think I may set mine up to spam warnings and we can test it out.

  7. We keep having game discussions here and I'm gonna make threads on the guild site and point them to your blog posts. :P

  8. Apparently. o.o;

  9. I had DBM. Thank you for the reminder to update after patch 3.1 Omen too. :)


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