(Over)analyzing RPGs
I stumbled across this site today: http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/theory/ . It contains a great many little essays and references about roleplaying. Along the way, I found mention of Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering and briefly considered purchasing the PDF version. Yet it was a neutral review of said book that gave me pause. Three stars out of five, and the person said in part: In the beginning the author lays out a few types of players, like the powerplayer, the storyteller, etc. For the most part it pretty obvious (Power gamer likes to have a lot of power and story teller likes a good story... no, really?) After that, everything in this book pretty much boils down to "it depends". For all that people say and argue about how best to run/play an RPG or what the different "types" of gamers are, it always seems to boil down so much more simply. Comparing degrees of "dramatist" versus "simulationist" may be useful in some cases, but t...