So This Is Being Productive

Wednesday, I closed on a new loan. Yesterday, I purchased a new bed (well, mattress set and simple metal frame). Today, I rearranged and cleaned my room for the bed which is to be delivered tomorrow. I also swung by work and installed some software updates and RAM that had been waiting for several days (were I on night shift this last week, that stuff would have been done already).


Edit: And we got in a heroic Utgarde Pinnacle run... and the Red Sword of Courage dropped. Yay! No taunting me 'til the next expansion! ;)


  1. Details! We need details! ;)

  2. Umm... what am I supposed to give details on? Zee bed, eet is huge? Well, a queen seems big after spending years on a full, and it's definitely taller. Or would you like me sharing more of my experiences from heroic Utgarde Pinnacle? - Svala is relatively easy, though I seem to frequently end up having minor problems with her. My initial shield throw will miss, or we'll get into the fight and she'll somehow be just out of melee range. That all seems to even out a little after the first sacrifice. While the achievement matters little to me, I don't mind trying to position an abomination, too. - The trophy room can be tough. The wogren doesn't do much (save enrage at some point), but he hits like a frickin' truck. Apparently the rhino's bleed effect is bad. The worm's poison looks nasty, too, and I find myself cleansing the heck out of that, even while tanking. - Skadi is often the make-or-break encounter for the run. Take too long clearing a group, and you'll just be mobbed and never make it to the end. Move too fast, and the tank will never hold everyone. The tank will already have trouble keeping the attention of the ranged mobs. Consecration is good, but limited in range. Holy Wrath is great, but has a cooldown. I find myself taunting things like crazy to keep them off the healer. Seriously, this is a fight where one misstep (especially on the tank's part) can and will wipe the group. It's haaaaard. - Ymiron actually seems more forgiving to me - tough, but not immediately lethal at one mistake. Kiting when the spirit font comes up is important, and it's interesting to sweat when he nails someone (or everyone) pretty hard right before stunning and changing phases because you have a few seconds to sit there looking at health totals and worrying about it.

  3. From my experience in WotLK, all poisons in heroics are very very bad and cannot be ignored. If the healer can't cleanse them (due to class inability or a problem keeping the tank alive if they miss a heal for a few seconds) then someone else needs to. I've tried to heal through them on my Paladin, who is Naxx-geared and it's just too easy to fall behind when something else happens.

  4. It's not the "hard" mode for nothing, eh? ;) A lot of things that can be shrugged off in normal are more serious in heroic, especially the debuffs. Seems like I'm always the one doing it whether paladin or priest - of course, I never really see what other people remove, so that could be a wildly inaccurate perception. Do druids have some form of debuff removal?

  5. Druids have Abolish Poison and Remove Curse.

  6. Yay for the drop! and the new bed, Elly and I need to get a new one soon too. As for heroic dungeons, since I've never done one *whistles innocently* I have nothing to add except...that's why my two trinkets are healing ones! Grisaille


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