About What I Remembered, Actually

Yeah, it's something of a long walk from home. Not super-long. Perfectly doable. But when you don't get a whole lot of exercise, a sudden three-mile walk is a little tiring. Explanation: I went out, got the truck warming up a bit to drive in this afternoon, got my things, when back out, and had someone point out a flat tire. Ugh. The can of tire-inflation stuff I kept on hand has been sitting in the truck for a few years now and did little more than fizzle. So, faced with the prospect of crawling around in a couple inches of dirty ice water that is our parking lot during the day, I decided I'd walk instead. It's a temporary solution, though. Hopefully, I can get a new can of that stuff and get the tire inflated enough to get it in to be fixed in the morning.

And already I was tired. As "into" books as I can get, finishing them tends to leave me feeling a little hollow. Oh, I sometimes carry away new perspectives and ideas, but there's also a let down of the story being over. I finished The Hero of Ages last night (yep, no way I was waiting for that one). This cements the Mistborn series in my mind as one of the best fantasy series I've read in a long time. There's a lot more I could say about it, but... not without spoiling things, so I shan't do that here.


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