Ah, but of Course...

Holidays and money... it's like a sieve and water.

Presents are adding up. The iPod cost some itself (sorry, Max, but I went that way). And I got news that the folks doing the repair/repainting work on the condos have found more damage than expected and will ultimately need more money to do things right (to the tune of $366 per unit, unless insurance pays some by some miracle).

On that last point... yeah, repairs are still underway. It's been... er... three months? Almost four? It's now into December. They're working on roofing of the overhangs out front of each unit now. Weather's going to be getting worse. The painting done thusfar seems... less professional that I'd hope (but maybe it's not "done"). I'm dissatisfied with the project thusfar, but I also don't feel there's much of anything to do about it. Not pay? Well, then things don't get done, or they don't get done right. That'd probably be worse in the long haul.

I'm still not really looking forward to the Florida trip. But... in two weeks I'll be on the road. I guess it'll be a change of pace/scenery, at least.

Faire's a disappointment right now, too. There's so much that's been initiated, but follow-through has been lacking. And most of the plotlines, I feel excluded from or don't appear to be worth the effort. Yes, I'd like my character to participate in finding would-be assassins and thieves, but the one night I made any progress there, the person running things was mostly idle and provided some information, but little in the way of threads to follow. All the divine paragon stuff going on seems to be a complete miss with me. So... "meh" in general, I guess. Maybe I'll be able to focus and push something, but I doubt it at this rate.

So... feeling down in general. Holiday seasons get that way without any help. ... I find myself idly considering staying home next Christmas - as in HOME, and not even driving to Cortez to visit parents. I doubt that'd really be better, though, and I've a year to consider that option.


  1. Now you are dead to me. Kidding, of course ;) I'm sure the Ipod will serve you well :) What model did you get?

  2. It's an 8gb Nano. Umm... 4th generation, I think? Assimilated most of my CDs and some of Nina's without hitting the halfway mark. Seems pretty sweet, all-in-all, though the ear buds may take some getting used to.

  3. Sweet! I hear you about the ear buds... can't get used to them either...

  4. I find myself wondering if it's worth paying to try the "in-ear" types to see if those are any more comfortable, or if I should look for more traditional earphones. I suppose the default buds are good enough to get by, but I'd rather something more comfortable in the long run.

  5. I tried the Bose ""around the ears" style,and they were awesome! Didn't know they were on my head. You pay for them though (I think they were $120 or so). Jen found a brand for the in the ear buds that are pretty comfortable. BTW, we were thinking of stopping by to say hi this afternoon, if that's cool?

  6. What I've read indicates earphones/buds tend to be a "you get what you pay for" area, at least as far as sound quality. I'll certainly keep your advice in mind. As for stopping by, I don't know when you have/had in mind? I'm actually at work now (late shift this week), so... I won't be home 'til sometime after 11, maybe later. >.>

  7. How does tomorrow look? I can give you a call...

  8. About the same? In to work at 3, usually napping from around noon to 2:30, and before that... well, mornings always depend on how tired I am and such.


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