
Getting by in general. Financial concerns weigh in my mind, but they're not overwhelming and ever-present at the moment. Dr. Horrible was a fun watch this last weekend. I saw people outside with ladders today, though it seems early in the process for any start to the siding repairs as money hasn't been collected in general, so I'm not sure what to think.

I finished out the night feeling okay, certainly better than I had been feeling, and started the morning better than average. Little shades of inspiration upon waking are nice. Yet, such moods can be fragile - it only took one off-hand comment foul my mood and set a different tone for the day.

Which probably just means the point it struck was one already weak in my emotional makeup. We've all got things that set us off more than others. For me, most are points that I burden myself with. Self-inflicted guilt or worry make little fracture planes. Sometimes they hold up to some stress, sometimes they're poised to break under just the slightest pressure - whether from within or without.

It doesn't help that I got called in a bit early because our Web department, in their infinite wisdom, managed to work up error reports for our web sites that ended up essentially spamming us and bogging down a mail server. Great plan, guys - 3500 email messages in the two days it was running, plus ten times that many that got stuck in the SMTP queue and were never delivered. Ugh.

Then there's a comparitively minor issue that just pisses me off because of the details. "This file says it's in use, but I checked the only other place it would be and it's not." No... no. You asked one person who answered for someone else, and incorrectly so. I've never seen one of these files say it's in use and refused to be unlocked when it wasn't actually in use. But hey, I try to humor people. Maybe it's first time. Nope, after checking on the server, it's decidedly open by someone else. If people wouldn't assume things, I wouldn't even have to deal with this sort of crap.

And then we have a computer that's just responding slowly and losing appointments in Outlook. Grand. Seems we've always got at least one person complaining about their computer being "slow" at any given time, and it's one of the hardest things to nail down and fix. I'll get to look at this one more this evening, but I don't hold out much hope.

Mrrfle. Feels like it should be Friday, but unfortunately it's not.


  1. You know, I think the fracture planes is perhaps the best explanation I've ever heard for that... and I certainly empathize with you. I had one of mine smacked fairly thoroughly this morning and start the day off quite badly. Bleah. Is it 5 yet? *sigh*


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