Born Under a Lucky Star?
I'm... confused. Baffled, maybe. And I don't want to go counting unhatched chickens and all. And yet... My dad and step-mom stopped by today. They were in town to visit friends and take a trip down the river. It's normal for us to meet for lunch of, at least, pass by and say 'hi' and all. This time, they actually had something else to discuss. Apparently, Susan's mom, affectionately known as Grandma Bea, put away some money for me. A CD that started at 10 thousand dollars and is up to 11. It's reaching maturity and so she wanted to see if I'd rather see it reinvested or cashed out to me. It's the sort of thing she'd want spent for a major thing (a new vehicle or paying principle on my mortgage were mentioned) rather than just as spendable money. If this had happened a few months ago, I might have waved off and said to save it. I'm not really shopping for a new vehicle, as old as my truck is. Worst case there, I can still get where I nee...