Guns of the Patriots

Finished MGS 4 after a bit more than 20 hours of play. So... much... story!

Okay, simple part first. The gameplay pretty much rocks. I loved sneaking. I loved not sneaking. The boss fights are good. The run-and-gun scenes work well. Hell, the only complaint I can think of about the gameplay is that I wish there were more of it. The first couple Acts have sizable areas to work your way through, but that seems to diminish in the latter parts.

The cut-scenes are storyline require a little more thought. I've frequently said "gosh, there's a lot of cut-scenes," but I never skipped through them (though I might in repeat play) because I love the story. As convoluted as it gets, I always wanted to see what would happen next. The game could have been a movie... except it couldn't, because there's no way to fit all that in a couple hours.
I think they really did pull in all the remaining threads from the MGS (if not all the Metal Gear) games to wrap things up. Some things were a little stretched, perhaps, but I can't think of any way they really could have ended the series better and there's a definite sense of finality to it all. I suppose I might wish for a few less twists and turns thrown in, but I can't picture a clearer path for it.

Most laughable-yet-fitting element: The prematurely-aged Snake just keeps going, and often it seems to be by sheer willpower. It's like Die Hard, the Energizer Bunny, and a 20+ Constitution thrown together in one character.

Creepiest/Favorite moment for me: Sneaking back into the Shadow Moses Island facility, complete with flashbacks, but a distinct lack of people. The place felt cold, yet there was a sense of coming full circle.

10/10? Yeah, I might agree with that, actually.


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