Awww Man

A sad day:


  1. Thank you for not being one of the million who posted with something like: "Failed his Saving Throw vs. Death" or something else insipid. Let's remember the man for what he did, changed the idea of tactical fantasy miniatures into a codified rules experience of fantasy role-playing with a Tolkein-esqued spin.

  2. As someone who made a "failed his saving throw" comment, and not that I would argue that was a little trite, it was meant with the deepest respect to what a great man created :) AD&D was how I met redwolf, and the rest of the nighthawkes, got involved in the SCA, met the Droogs, and made so many memories I can't even count... Hell, Nighthhawk was one of redwolf's characters. Maybe it would have been more appropriate to say that he cast "plane shift", and I won't deny that alot of the "saving throw versus death" posts around the internet were people mocking him... just saying that mine wasn't ;)


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