War Stories (part deux)

So... Estrella War itself. Hmm.

Definite good points:
- Seeing friends from afar.
- Awesome merchants' row. I'm not sure, but it seemed bigger than previous Estrellas.
- Learned a little about how some things fit together, such as how siege weapons play a factor in one of the battles (performance determines breaches in a later scenerio).
- Quality of company. Josh was great to have around, though it was only his first time and he's not real SCA-active. Sir Asad simply rocks - always full of sound advice and willing to offer what he has to help others readily.
- The satisfaction of volunteering and helping out.
- New boots that proved reasonably mud-resistant.
- Managing to catch Sunday night's bardic (or at least some of it) at the grand pavilion.

Bad points:
- Not enough time with friends from afar. Maybe 15 minutes around Max and 5 with Cathe. April was around for a bit, though ill (get better!).
- The cluelessness of being drafted into volunteering for security duty because I went to turn an errant crossbow bolt found on the battlefield in to lost and found.
- Weather. Good grief, why does there have to be unpleasant weather at nearly every event I've ever been to. Wind. Rain. Mud. Extreme heat. Aieeee! ... Rain and mud this time.
- Blisters from new boots that proved reasonably mud-resistant, but were loose. I get to hobble around for a bit, it would seem.
- Utterly failing to meet any friends for any party on either night in attendance.
- Packing is always a pain.

Overall... I enjoyed my time there, but I don't plan on going back soon. Why? Well, honestly, I feel there's less and less there for me, just as there is in the SCA in general. I truly and fully enjoyed events when attending with my friends as a household. These days, they've scattered and/or acquired other loyalties. That's only natural really, but while those who are active have found new families, my own has dwindled. Even when I do track people down, I tend to feel like I'm tagging along rather than participating. That is... okay once in a while, and worth it in some cases, but not worth hours and hours on the road plus all the time packing and money on supplies. It can be a big investment, and for as little as I see the people I want to, it just doesn't seem worth it.

If I were to drop other things to make room in my life for more SCA matters, it might be different. Then, I could find a niche for myself. As it is, though... well, I suppose we'll just have to see how things go.


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