I Bet Echo Base Had Snowblower Droids or Something

I want one.


  1. dude, I just talked to my mother, and she said something about another (!) foot of snow... I'm getting together a search team, want me to throw your address on the list?

  2. We'll be the ones playing World of Warcraft in a snow cave. Actually, we've managed to keep up with it... more or less. The trucks are dug out as well as the sidewalk in front of our unit and a path around back. The biggest problem is that an SUV with a plow on the front isn't really cutting it for clearing the rest of the parking lot, plus we have snow and ice sliding off roofs into the drive lane. I probably could get out today (even in my 2WD truck without chains) as long as I don't hit any piled snow (which is increasingly difficulty), but I don't think I'm going to bother. Snow days, it's what vacation time is for, right? Estrella, though... well, that's going to depend on what the weather holds in the next week, I think. We haven't called it off, but I don't think either of us here want to deal with the drive if things don't look better on this end.


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