
I'm tired of shoveling snow, and that with things having been fairly mild here compared to a lot of places. Of course, the wet snow that came in first was the worst. There've been power outages around the area (including at work on Sunday), but at home we've not had that problem. The most inconvenience on that front was the DSL being out for several hours due to power problems elsewhere. But the main roads really haven't been much worse than wet/slushy, and I've managed to get the truck out of the parking lot each day this week so far.

I've now had the opportunity to read the story (probably a novella or something, considering the 160 pages) I am Legend. I'm going to have to say I found the movie more enjoyable, but they were decidedly different. The story is, perhaps, a more classic sort of horror in that it can easily be an allegory for other things. There's an obvious "old society" versus "new society" theme that develops. The analysis of the vampires beforehand is interesting in itself, making the affliction, abilities, and weaknesses sound fairly plausible.

And on the MMORPG front, some more comparison:

I've pretty well finished the introductory "Pre-Searing" portion of Guild Wars, though it looks like I'm waiting a few days to see what comes after. I'm told it's easier to come by more bag/storage space. I'm looking forward to this.

General Command Scheme: The games are comparable, really. There are differences, and I'll find myself hitting shortcut commands for one game in the other. I think I prefer WoW's setup, but that may be familiarity, so it's not a big deal.
Camera Control: Maybe I'm missing something, but the camera feels harder to deal with in GW and it likes to shift to the default rear position if your character is moving - which makes a certain amount of sense, but I don't feel I should have to fight it to pan around my character.
Dimensions: GW feels lacking. While it's visually 3D, all the movement and pathing is 2D. You can't jump over that fence. You can't walk down a hill that's too steep. Jumping is an emote. In World of Warcraft, jumping is movement and even though you take falling damage based on height, there's nothing stopping you from leaping off most cliffs. In Outland (from the expansion for WoW), there are even controlable flying mounts. I vastly prefer WoW on this point.
Following: Both games have the ability to follow a party member (for those times you're not paying attention or don't know where to go). It's handy. GW's version, however, is annoyingly fragile as it won't engage if the other person is stopped and it seems to break anytime they stop.
Focus-Fire: Both games have a method for attacking the same target as someone else. I don't want to judge to critically, because I don't think I really have a good feel for GW's.
Movement: Both games have the usual WASD layout, can run ahead and turn by mouse, and have an autorun. GW also has a click-to-move ability. Theoretically, this should be a plus, and it's familiar form single-player games. In practice, I only find it useful on occasion, and it trips me up other times. I'll go to click on an enemy to select and view it only to find myself running at it to attack
Communication: Seems comparable. I think I find the default interface of channels and filters in GW a little nicer, with check boxes for certain channels instead of having to /join and /leave. And it's a trivial detail, but playing GW makes me miss how emotes are targeted in WoW.
Standard Kit: Both games have certain items you'll generally carry around by default. In WoW, you'll have your hearthstone, probably a kit or tool for each profession, and things like mount reins. In GW, you'll likely have an identification kit and one or more salvage kits. I'm trying to reserve judgement until I have more bag space, but so far I still prefer WoW's method where I can tuck these items away and not worry about them instead of buying new kits every X number of uses.

And the comparison shall go on, I'm sure.


  1. WoW has a click to move option in the interface menu, regular or advanced I don't recall.

  2. Ooo. Nice to know, even if it's not a feature I'm really looking for.

  3. Dimensions: Will be fixed in GW2 Following: You only stop following if you've caught up to the person. Movement: Click to move -- being taken out of GW2.

  4. Yeah, they're changing those things, but GW2 is another game entirely, and not out yet. Hmm. Though, depending on how they carry over accomplishments it may almost be more like a major expansion. Just have to wait and see on that one. And if I'm following reasonably closely and they stop to look around, I don't want to stop following. ;)


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