On the Road Again

One fuse, one fuel filter, and a week-and-a-half later and I'm vehicularly mobile again. This is good, as it was just starting to really get to me yesterday - though I think it was waiting and wondering that was getting to me more than not being able to drive around at my leisure. Best part is the whole deal involved relatively minor repairs not costing me all that much.


  1. Nice... just be careful... Diesel burns kind of hot ;)

  2. *snerks* Indeed. But not hot enough to break down and ignite the hydrogen from ammonia, alas. Still, in a few weeks we may be asking "how explosive if diesel?" instead.

  3. Search youtube for "BLEVE" (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion)... diesel explodes... ;)

  4. Right, so how do we get it to do that? ;)

  5. Well... a bleve generally requires that it be under pressure when heated (ie: in a tank)... You could try straping a zombie to a truck's saddle-tank, then driving into a large pool of burning gas... Or possibly trapping the zombie in a large, re-sealable tank, preferably without a pressure relief valve that functions, then filling the tank with fuel, and rolling it into a large fire... In the long run, might be easier to hit it in the head with a bat. And for what it's worth, this one is my favorite... the list of things that are wrong is really impressive. Explosive polymerization is a very, very bad thing (happens when you apply water to certain chemicals when they are on fire... they become solid (Polymerize) with such speed that they explode...which might provide you with another option... But, since I have finally found the answer you were looking for... The best way to put it is "about 500 degrees F". The auto ignition temperature of diesel is 494 degrees F, and the temperature which it will reach when burning is dependent on the amount of oxygen available, outside temperature, and several other factors. it's minimum temperature is 130 F, so it's not too hard to get it to ignite.... just has to have the right fuel/air ratio (ie: enough air to make the vapors flamable).

  6. All things being equal, I'd use rubbing alcohol or regular gasoline ;)

  7. *grins* I love my friends :D


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