(Not) Just Another Night

Okay, I know when I have vehicle problems, they tend to be this time of year. A couple years ago, I believe, it was radiator issues seriously cutting engine power.

Well, this time I'm coming back from getting a treat at Dairy Queen and my truck dies. Didn't even sputter to death, just cut out. Stranger still, the hazard lights only seemed to be working on the left side - I thought that might be a bad bulb, but it was front, back, and inside dashboard display. Coupled with some oddities about a week ago (that hadn't recurred), I assume some sort of electrical problem at the least, though I don't know if that would kill an engine like that.

Towing insurance? Good. Waiting an hour instead of the estimated half that to get towed? Not so fun in this cold, but I had enough layers that it was unpleasant rather than serious. Ah well... we'll see what the shop has to say this time.


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