Blatant Much?

I know the Christmas season "officially" starts after Thanksgiving (though stores insist on advertising earlier), but sheesh. I woke up this morning to the first snowfall of this season. I am, however, thankful for the day. With school out and so many people taking the day off work, the roads were all but empty as I drove in. If I have to drive in snow (and clear a good six or more inches of snow off my truck), I much prefer to do so without traffic.


  1. We had our first snow last tuesday. It was celebrated around the metro area with the traditional "running of the ass-hats in their useless four wheel drives at 20 mph because there is an inch of snow on the side of the road and none on the actual pavement". Made me late.

  2. The bums. Still, that beats the only-slightly-less-traditional "running of the ass-hats in any vehicle at 20 mph over the speed limit and sliding off the road left and right, causing impassable blockages of wrecked cars," neh? ;)

  3. I miss the snow! Want me to come out and shovel your driveway?

  4. Which we celebrated late into the evening that day. All over our little section of I-70... Started with a guy and bis boat trailer, and ended with the pickup truck full of kids rolling twice off the high onto a frontage road. All four of the drivers said the same thing about "wow, I guess there must have been some black ice.... I guess I was going too fast". Unfortunately, I have to be polite and point out that it's not technically black ice when the road is WHITE with ice... Asshats.


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