Oh Good God(s/dess)...

... what a day.

The work aspect of my workday has been a hassle between setting up a new printer that seemed flaky at best (until an IP conflict was found and fixed) and communicating directly with Adobe regarding an upgrade.

Also, the paper secured a number of Rockies tickets for the World Series. There was a drawing this afternoon. I entered because, while not a huge baseball fan myself these days, it would have been awesome to take my dad along. I wasn't drawn, though - no surprise, back to normal (in that regard).

But that ain't the half of it, as they say. No, I'm told I have a "secret admirer." ... Okay, maybe the heart-shaped amethyst that showed up on my desk a day or two ago should have garnered more interest from me, but I didn't focus on it much after the intial "huh, what, where did this come from" moment. It seems a little juvenile to have someone else come by and ask me if I'm married, but so it goes sometimes. On thinking about this, I narrowed the list down to one (for having recently inquired about my sign/birthday and age). Admittedly, she's cute and shares at least one interest (having mentioned heavy computer use at home, even haven't built a couple). But... that whole relationship thing seems like a can of worms I'm unwilling to open.

So when she won a pair of Rockies tickets and asked me to join her on a trip to Denver Sunday, I stumbled a bit - or perhaps even fell, depending on the point of view. I passed (who, that reads this, did not guess that?). I don't know... there's certainly potential there for her being someone I would like to know better, but a whirlwind trip like that wouldn't be my chosen means to do so. Then again, do I have a means that I'd consider "good?"

Bleh. I could have room for romance in my life if I made it, but only if I made it. And while I sometimes wish for someone present to hold and "be with," I don't really have a desire for kids or a family. In a lot of ways, I feel like my relationships online cover areas of marriage and/or parenting already. Good times and ill, I share bonds with people via the internet that mirror family life in many ways, and there's really no way I could manage an offline "romantic relationship" without dropping some or all of that. Just not enough hours in the day - nevermind that jealousy might be an issue if I were to try.

I don't know. I feel run ragged and a little confused - is that from actual work, or emotional stuff?


  1. I don't know what to say. you're a heartbreaker.

  2. Apparently. o.o; Today she came by and apologized for... I guess putting me on the spot with the offer. And, though I really haven't seen this happen in real life so much, suggested we act like it never happened. >.>

  3. *slap* Dude, those tickets are going for like $600 a piece! (if you're not talking about world series tickets, then disregard that last). but still... dude... ;)

  4. I would say try hanging out with her. She's made a move -- I see above that you are potentially interested. Perhaps after she gets back from Denver and the ball game. *hugs from afar*

  5. Not like there's other baseball tickets right now. Yeah, silly me for not accepting $600 (after scalping prices maybe) to go on a road trip with someone I hardly know. That's questionable even if I were more impulsive.

  6. Been considering further. I might suggest dinner - which seems a much more reasonable getting-to-know-someone start. A pain, though, as I'm working nights next week so it'll be the week after before I could even go.

  7. aww... arguably the worst that could happen is that she'd kidnap you on the way here, and indoctrinate you into some freaky cult somewhere in Montana... ;)

  8. you might consider a lunch-date also... if it doesn't go well, there's almost a built-in time limit on the affair... (not that I've dated in the last six years...)


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