One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall

Watched Transformers today.

Yes, there are plot holes Optimus Prime could drive himself through. Some of the silliness is overdone. That said, it was still an enjoyable movie and I'm not sure how the line between cheesiness and drama could have been walked better while working from Eighties source material like that.

I thought it was fun. The action was pretty well done. "Great" special effects are almost a given these days, so I'm not sure how much praise to issue on that score. And the changes to "canon" didn't really both me. Human-centric situations are used for comedy throughout much of the movie, but they still get in on the action too.

And, strangely, I'm not sure I've seen a comparable display of modern military combat on-screen. I know what an AC-130 gunship looks like from documentaries, but I don't think I've seen one used for a strike in a movie. A-10's, F-22's... and giant robots. One scene toward the beginning made me want to see a Battletech movie done. That would be a spectacle of explosions.


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