32 Years

... and just another day?

Not quite true, and I'm not really down about it. I've a roleplaying game to look forward to this evening, and it's been enjoyable so far. I'm told I'll get cake. I have a few presents to show for this birthday, but they've trickled in from afar over the last few weeks - something that de-emphasizes the day itself. So I'm not down about it.

I rather feel old, though. It may be a touch of the weather and it surely doesn't help that I slipped a couple weeks ago and pulled things in my side, but I'm feeling below par physically. Still, even that could be worse.


  1. This morning on my way to work I remembered what day today was, and emailing you was on my "must do first thing" list - which promptly got totally derailed when I got in the door of the office. *sigh* Still - have a wonderful one! I'm moping about mine already - I feel old. ;) Sounds like yours will remain pleasant - which is what I would wish for you! All my best wishes for a wonderful day, and wonderful year! *hugs* from up north...

  2. So ten seconds ago when I read your post I realized what day it was. Happy birthday, my friend :)

  3. Still.. working.. on.. present! o.o Gah. Happy Birthday in the interim.

  4. Aaw, I wish I'd known! Happy birthday!


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