After about three weeks of not playing...

Relatively low-key session, and probably best that was with people still drained from the holidays. Also only three players and the GM present.

Speaking with Rufina's grandmother, Cassandra, provided some small measure of enlightenment. Though her little display of fate witch magic unsettled Sylvia, she did provide some answers. The symbol found earlier is one that caused her to bring up a secretive Illuminati-like order she called "NOM" - Novus Order Mundi. She felt the heroes' fates to be entwined in this mess and that Rufina's cousin was already involved in the order (as if they didn't realize those things already). Apparently, the symbol itself is not directly related to that, however.

Rufina also talked of a city under the sea she saw in a vision. Cassandra warned against revealing anything about it, saying the Caligari (a prominent Vodacce family) would do most anything for it. She asked the others to watch over Rufina. All-in-all, it wasn't truly informative, but it gave a name to the face of the enemy.

Still, the plan is to see the playwright and investigate from that angle as it is the only current lead. Sebastian, meanwhile, is talking about leaving his ship behind for the time being - not wanting to endanger his crew further in these shadowy plots.

Elapsed Time: Probably not more than an hour.


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