
Showing posts from January, 2007

Another Night

Alas. The office pool didn't win the Powerball. It's a shame. I'd be interested to see who came to work tomorrow. ;) Not a lot new going on. Parents are in Florida while I'm... not going anywhere this time of year. Usually, I'm looking at Further Confusion or Estrella or something. So it goes. It appears our online 7th Sea game has been officially pronounced dead. There are always scheduling problems with such games, and there were some notable rocks in the path to begin with, but I'm still sorry to see it go. And for something completely different: Why would I have a dream about driving across town to pick you up, Max? Especially in a M2 Bradley? That's just warped.

Well Wishing

A happy birthday and best of fortune with the baby due any time now to kyn-elwynn !

The State of Things

All's well in general. Christmas was good, if tiring. New Years was reasonable relaxing. I missed out on my attempt to see Eragon . Still playing World of Warcraft to eat up idle time at home and making slow progress in Final Fantasy XII , which seems fine though the controls feel a little odd yet. No plans for a new gaming console as I haven't seen any games to urge me in that direction yet. Besides, I built a new computer a few months ago and I'm getting finances back in shape after that. ;) Offline is still a mixed bag. Enjoying the Witchcraft game(s), and all but sleeping through the D&D Middle Earth one. Heck, my mage there is at about 2/3 HP simply because of a run in with constitution-draining undead, and it's another level-and-a-half or so before anyone in the group could learn Restoration. Online is so-so. 7th Sea is picking up after some disruptions, hopefully that's a good sign. The MUCK seems to have been highly populated over the holidays...

After about three weeks of not playing...

Relatively low-key session, and probably best that was with people still drained from the holidays. Also only three players and the GM present. Speaking with Rufina's grandmother, Cassandra, provided some small measure of enlightenment. Though her little display of fate witch magic unsettled Sylvia, she did provide some answers. The symbol found earlier is one that caused her to bring up a secretive Illuminati-like order she called "NOM" - Novus Order Mundi. She felt the heroes' fates to be entwined in this mess and that Rufina's cousin was already involved in the order (as if they didn't realize those things already). Apparently, the symbol itself is not directly related to that, however. Rufina also talked of a city under the sea she saw in a vision. Cassandra warned against revealing anything about it, saying the Caligari (a prominent Vodacce family) would do most anything for it. She asked the others to watch over Rufina. All-in-all, it wasn't tru...