7th Sea update

Not much to report this week. Sebastian, not willing to trust any more people-turned-puppets, suggested renting a coach and the group safely reached the vineyard of Rufina's uncle Guido. Prompting Nina's Outlandish reference: "Is he a wild stallion guido?" it was, of course, a somewhat emotional reunion, though it could probably be played out in more detail. For the rest of us, the place appears to be a safe haven for the moment, giving a chance to rest.

Elapsed Time: 'tis late in the day when the group settles in.


  1. ahh... wild stalion guidos... free to roam whatever pastures they choose.

  2. The good ol' days, eh? ;)

  3. That event was good. Many of those days were good. Wish I knew then some things that I know now. But, well, somehow we all survived... mostly ;) Hey... is that tent falling down?

  4. Yep. Pass the bottle.

  5. Ahh... yes. Good times, they were.

  6. I reiterate. I wasn't in a mood to play Rufina. Being thrust into the role of GM for the session to RP Guido as well just made me feel... lackluster. The session sucked and it's my fault.


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