Rooftop Dueling!

Thankfully not in real life.

This week's session was primarily action. Perhaps that makes up for last week. It was also a lesson in certain facets of the rules.
While settled in at Romero Villanova's home, some party members having just gotten to sleep, Sebastian heard figures moving about that didn't belong. Confronting them, he found a group of masked and cloaked people with weapons. A shrill whistle had the rest of the PCs up and scrambling into the hall half-dressed and half-armed.
This first engagement wasn't too bad. One got in a lucky hit on Sebastian, wounding him, but the others were taken down by Rufina and (mostly) Adam. Upon collapsing, the figures turned into wooden puppets not unlike the coach driver some sessions back. Foul magic indeed.

Just as Rufina was inspecting Sebastian's wound, however, a more dangerous figure made his appearance by crashing in the window, grabbing Phedre, and swinging back out onto a rooftop. "If you wish to know the secret of Carcassonne, come up and earn it," he declared... in Vodacce, so several of us didn't have a clue what he was on about.
Sylvia launched herself for the rope, taking off after the man. Rufina made for the roof in a more sane way, as did Sebastian after a failed attempt at beaning the guy with a candlestick. Phedre made herself not worth the effort to retain by struggling and was sent over the edge... only to be caught/knocked into the neighboring house by Adam's valiant leap.
In short order, Sylvia and Adam were coming at the man and his thirteen minions from different angles with Rufina and Sebastian not far behind. In the first attack, Adam missed cleanly and was injured in return. Sebastian got in a nice shot on the guy's leg with a lightning rod of all things (he should improve his improvised weapons skills at this rate). Sylvia, however, went for some of the man's "puppets," having seen how he used them to hedge people in. Amidst all this, lightning struck the roof, setting in ablaze in the growing storm, making things even more interesting.

While she did pare down the numbers, he came after her next, scoring a solid blow. In the end, it was Adam who sent the man tumbling off the roof. The PC's withdrew to the ground, but found no human amidst the strewn bodies.
And so the heroes mend their wounds and watch a building burn down as another Act ends.

Elapsed Time: Minutes.


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