Catching Up (or Cuts Galore)

Things feel busy at home. In truth, I can't imagine they really are much moreso than usual. But still, there are some things going on.

My computer is futzing up. Actually, it's not as serious as it sounds. The power switch does not always turn on the computer. In fact, it usually fails to do so. I can push that button over and over for fifteen minutes before the thing finally comes on, and I'm afraid it will get worse, so I've actually taken to leaving the thing on more than usual. After some investigation, I suspect the actual switch in the case more than any of the main components of the system, but I can't get to that without breaking plastic. Urgh. But this has just led to me fast-tracking a project I was starting on anyway...
I'm making a new computer. Some parts I have, some I'll recycle, others are on the way. I'm hoping the case and CPU fan live up to the hype, because I want something quieter than what I've got now.

Our mid-week roleplaying offline has died due to a change in schedule. Such things happen. It might pick up again later, but that remains to be seen.

Still playing alternating games on Saturdays. The Witchcraft game is fun, though I do wonder if my police character is hogging the spotlight by treating things as an investigation. It means he runs around interviewing people and pulling files while the other characters... don't.
The Middle Earth-based D&D game is... okay, but a bit lackluster. The GM is new to the role and, while I'm not as good in the chair as I used to be, I have to say she spends too much time on details that really don't matter to the players. We spent last session sifting through the ruins of Sauron's towers, finding several magical items and finishing the session with a battle in which we quickly overpowered something like five ghouls and two ghasts. I threw a lightning bolt because I wanted to look productive. I actually have no doubt the melee combatants could have wiped the floor with the undead without my participation, though it might have taken an extra round.

Various quests here and there on Faire, so things aren't too dull there.

I also entered into a Star Wars game. Whee. 'tis a chance to play a very different character for a change - a derivative droid based off (the "Best Droid Evar") HK-47. Even though the setting is after the defeat of the Empire, I was able to work out a background for HK-58 Cresh. Thank you "Star Wars: Galaxies." Teehee. I've only been in one session so far, though. Wishful Statement: I hope we play again in the near future.

And I may have picked up a new vice. "World of Warcraft." Tried a trial account, decided to go live. Technically, I'm still in the period of time that comes with buying the full version, but I expect to pay monthly fees for a while, anyway. I'm not sure if I'll be in it for the long haul, but I'm enjoying it enough thusfar. It may look more cartoony than "Guild Wars" (which I tried sometime back), but there's something about it that is more captivating to me; more fun.

I didn't make a post partly for procrastination and partly because not much happened from my perspective. The session ran a bit shorter than usual. There were some conversations among the characters, and the ship was warped (via a side-jaunt on the still-and-spooky Seventh Sea) around to a side of Vodacce it shouldn't have been on.
Adam looked over the side while in that creepy place and nearly got drawn over, while Rufina had some sort of nasty flashback upon entering real space again. Sylvia talked a little with Rufina, but otherwise could just as well have not been there at all.

Elapsed Time: ??? Travel time unclear, It was to be 2 days to Villanova island, but the 7th Sea jaunt seemed to have reduced that to Hours.

Things picked up a little bit this week. El Vagamundo successfully reached port in Dionna, Vodacce, our destination. While Sebastian tended his ship and crew, the others grouped up and headed off to sign in at the local Swordsmans' Chapter House. The trip included a brief summary of cultural rules to obey in Vodacce: "Never fail to meet a man's eyes. Never meet a woman's. Answer any challenge." None of this sits well with Sylvia, though, and I suspect she'll follow her own tenets before those. If men don't want to meet her gaze, that's their concern. And she most certainly doesn't intend to duel outside of guild rules.
The same cannot be said for others. Lucien (making his return to the game this week) took particular offense to a drunk local's remarks in a tavern. Tempers flared, and the session ended with the two facing off, all but having drawn steel. The stranger may be under the influence, but he also sports a silver Swordsmans' pin, marking him as higher-ranking than anyone in the group. And while the guild has strict rules about duels among its members, neither of them cares about that right now. Sylvia is muchly disappointed in them. Not that she understands a word of the local language. ;)

Elapsed Time: Hours?

*pantpant* There, I feel caught up.


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