Quest Complete - Do I Get XP?

I have an obsessive side. Usually, this manifests in my consumerism - I see something I really want and getting it will become a quest of sorts. Thankfully, we're usually talking about a video game or a book rather than, say, a car.

Most recently, I was inspired by Revenge of the Sith to start thinking about a Star Wars RPG. Picking up a couple Jedi Knight video games probably didn't help. I already had the core rulebook and a couple others. That didn't feel like enough for running the sort of game I was envisioning (and since no one else seemed likely to do it, I figured I would be GMing). I decided I really wanted two other books - The Dark Side Sourcebook, and Power of the Jedi. What's Star Wars without the Force, neh?

Normally, this would be a simple matter of hitting and ordering the books. This time, that failed. After a couple weeks, the estimated ship time went from 2-3 weeks to "out of print and unavailable." A couple people were selling used through Amazon, but when they're asking three digits for a book that lists at $20-$30, I feel inclined to look elsewhere.

Thus began the real hunt. Local stores? Nothing in stock there. Ebay offered the books, but prices were around $50. Then I went searching online from one game store to the next, sending "you have this listed, do you really have it in stock" inquiries as I went. I got a lot of negative responses. I did try a couple Ebay auctions that listed the books by ISBN number rather than name, thinking they might be under the radar enough to actually be good deals. Those didn't work, but my money was refunded, at least.

In the end, I managed to get a Dark Side Sourcebook from a game store going out of business in Denver. Yay. My simultaneous efforts appear to have found two copies of Power of the Jedi - one from a game store in Australia (which is here now), another from... (which is on the way). It hadn't even occurred to me that the Canadian Amazon site might have a different inventory and even have such an out of print book like that in stock.

Thus, another of my little consumer quests (which are silly in the grand scheme of things) winds down successfully.


  1. *levels you up* And for aiding, do I get half? :)


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