Mitigated Disasters

Actually, I'm not sure it even warrants that.

The dust is settling at work. There were, predictably, a number of problems along the way. Some ordered furniture pieces didn't arrive. Some pieces didn't fit. People wanted to change things at the last moment. Old network cables were removed prematurely. Schedules were completely fouled up. But for all that, things have gone pretty well. No problem has proven unsolvable and I've even managed to get sleep between work shifts.

Still, I'd be lying if I said it hasn't taken a lot out of me. For most of the past week, I've been going to bed 2-4 hours early. That's better than passing out while working, at least.

Of course, I think I'm a bit nuts to be following this all with a trip to Tucson come Thursday. It'll be nice to get away from work and all, but after all this and a long drive... well, I hate to disappoint, but I suspect my aspirations will be little more than *resting*.

This new furniture will take some getting used to. For over $2500, though, I had darn well better get used to my new office, eh?


  1. Well, I guess it beats an *un*mitigated disaster. ;) Nap in the truck on the way down? Is there enough room in 's truck for you to nap? Don't worry, chico. Just bring yourself; the rest will work itself out. Um, no pun intended. *hugs*

  2. We can just bungee him on top of your stuff to nap ;) J/K but usually we can at least doze on the way down when not driving


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