Minor Mortality Check?

"Over self-confidence is equal to being blind."
So sayeth the unattributed fortune cookie that came with lunch. Such might have been more useful about an hour earlier.
Busy moving furniture, I got off to my lunch break a little later than normal. And with a haircut scheduled, I went straight there. That's fine an dandy, but as the cut was wrapping up, I came as close to passing out as I have in years. Close enough to ask them to stop and put my head down while waiting for the lightheadedness to pass. They put me in a reclining chair (usually for washing hair) for a few minutes, and it passed. Still...
I know my body pretty well. I'm confident this was a result of lack of food. Or, more precisely, a lack of enough food to equal what my body wanted given levels of physical exertion asked of it. Knowing that might be a concern this week, I started the morning with a bowl of cereal - exactly one bowl of cereal more than I usually have before lunch. It appears that wasn't enough.
After finishing up and going to eat lunch, I feel... better. I slept something like nine hours last night and I've picked up a couple bruises recently. Beyond that, though, I still feel just a tad below 'normal.'
Guess I'll just have to be a bit more careful with myself.


  1. Dammit, chico, take care of yourself. I'd have to drive a long way to kick your ass. :P

  2. Yeah, take better care of yourself, please? Some of us worry! *hugs* Though to contradict myself I now have to say that I have also not been sleeping enough, and judging by occasional bouts of light-headedness, have not been getting proper nutrition, either. So, Kettle, if you'll look after yourself a bit better, I, Pot, shall try to do the same. ;-)

  3. I'll spare you any misplaced EMT wisdoms... and just yeah... hypoglycemia sucks...and breakfast is sometimes a very good thing. and you should quit smoking.

  4. I would add to what Dev said... and prolly try to listen to it as well, as lightheadedness ensued after killing bunches of peeps on Tuesday... I should eat before I fight.


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