Just an update

Hmm... I really do seem to post less when there aren't major problems going on. That's almost depressing.

Of course, there are a few issues right now. Most of them are financial. None of them are *critical* yet, though I'm starting to be concerned. Part of that I'm on the verge of ranting about, but I haven't reached that point quite yet. It's going to be a tighter holiday season than I'd like, and I don't foresee vacations to anywhere in the next several months, at least. That much is unfortunate, but I won't starve.

Otherwise, though, things are going okay. With the (possibly temporary) demise of one MU*, I've fewer places to be online, but I haven't found myself more active anywhere else as a result. Scheduled RP, both online and off, has been a borderline disaster of late with cancellations left and right. And my parents are off trading up for a larger trailer to take travelling - nothing like a month in a cramped trailer with a dog to put things in perspective, eh? Heh. I'm jealous, but they deserve all that retirement stuff.

Why don't I see that in my future? ... Probably because I don't see my future to begin with.


  1. *sighs* I have some of the same issues. And the same jealosy of people who get paid like they've been in the workforce for twenty years (because they have) or are enjoying their retirement. *wrygrin* Re: the online stuff, we're temporarily back on the FML muck. Page me if you want the addy. We're hoping to have the mush back up in a couple weeks, tops. You'd basically have to copy and paste yourself from one to another, that's it. Durango is a hard place to see your future. Tomorrow will be very much like yesterday. As much as I hate leaving, that's a part of why I am. I'm content here, but I'm not going anywhere. And I find I need to be going somewhere. I intend to hang out with you a lot before I go. (Partly because I will have no furniture and may be sleeping on your couch, but what the hell. ;) ) Maybe we can actually finally talk a little, instead of just dialoguing by LJ. *wrygrin* And you must come visit me in Tuscon. I need to show you and Nina both my world. *hugs*

  2. *sigh* I hear you about the finances. To the point where I keep thinking about picking up another job... Oy. But it also means a tight holiday season for me. I'm prioritizing in some travel (to Estrella, even though I shouldn't!), but otherwise, it's cutback time for me. *sigh* If there's any way I can help, though, let me know! It'd be nice if we could retire now and go play, eh? =) And I also don't see my future- but for me it's got to do with the fact that I have NO idea where I want to go or what I want to do with my life... so I just keep pluggin' along. I wonder if this is typical of our age group? Seems to me that a lot of my friends are at a "don't know what I'm gonna do" stage. *hugs* No matter what, I have faith in you.

  3. Midlife crisis at about thirty? Could be... As I've said elsewhere, it's a combination of a lack of goals to set my sights on and a 'feeling' that my future isn't going to be a long one by today's standards. The question there is whether the latter is simply because of the former.

  4. so, in response to Cat's post... yeah, I think it's typical of our age group - at least half of us. There are days when I wonder why I left business school, but usually I wonder that at 3am standing on the highway in a blizzard. Scott, I always considered you one of the lucky ones. You made a career out of something you do well, you didn't have to slave through six years of college in various forms to get it, and you got to stay in durango to boot.That's only my take on it, but it's the way I see it.

  5. Interesting though, and in my more positive moments, it does look awful nice. Strangely, though, this feels less like a career than a "job," even after ten years. And I do get to stay in Durango. I admit that's a pretty big plus in my book, though with this pay it's a "just barely" situation. Still, even if a majority of my journal posts indicate otherwise, it's all really not so bad. ;)


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