Web Comics

Okay, most of you who will read this have your own list of web comics you track. Well, there's a couple from my list, that may not be on yours, I'd like to take this opportunity to share.

Jack - www.pholph.com - I've been following this one for a couple years now. It struck quite a chord with me at the time, and it hasn't let up. Furry characters, Heaven and Hell, plots, life, death... It *usually* isn't graphic, but it is very much a 'mature' comic. It's definitely one of my favorites. As great as I think it is, though, it may not be for everyone. Some of the storylines could be too depressing for those who are overly-sensitive or in a poor mood.

Tales of the Questor - npc.keenspace.com - This one I just ran across tonight and went through the archives. The art and presentation are quite charming. It's a bit more geared toward 'general audiences.' A good story for everyone who's wanted to be a hero "like in the stories."


  1. At the moment I've got a huge list of webcomics that I read (and should probably make a post of my own about, come to think of it), plus some more bookmarked to go through the archives later. Still, I'll keep these in mind.


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